12 Step Sobriety Toolkit


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12 Step Sobriety Toolkit is a comprehensive set of tools for members of Alcoholics Anonymous and any...

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12 Step Sobriety Toolkit is a comprehensive set of tools for members of Alcoholics Anonymous and anyone suffering from alcoholism. Modeled after the 12 Steps, as detailed in the book Alcoholics Anonymous (2nd Edition), these tools can be used by any Twelve Step program as the steps to spiritual relief are universal.The 12 Step Sobriety Toolkit contains all Twelve Steps, Gratitude Lists, Journaling, Meetings, Reminders, Meeting Topics, Common Meeting Readings, and the first 164 pages of the book Alcoholics Anonymous (2nd edition).
SOBRIETY CALCULATOR:Keep track of how long you’ve been sober. Enter your sobriety date into the app and not only will it display the date back to you, but it will also show you the number of years, weeks and days you’ve been sober!
TWELVE STEPS:Now you can have the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous at your fingertips and with you on the go. Each step in the Toolkit is presented exactly as it is in the Big Book, and some are further broken down into individual concepts (e.g. Step 1 provides separate forms for both powerlessness and unmanageability). In places where the Big Book lacked in depth directions, the step itself is broken down into meaning concepts to explore.
Writing an inventory? The Toolkit will provide you with a lot of help. Any people listed in the events from the first 3 steps will be easily available in a drop down list for the 4th step.
Anything listed in the 4th step will auto-populate an easy-to-read list in the 5th step.
Any defects of character listed in the 4th step will auto-populate your 6th and 7th step lists.
Anything listed in the 8th step will auto-populate the 9th step for you (Sadly, it won’t actually make the amends for you).
The intuitive, easy-to-use forms continue in steps 10, 11 and 12 for your daily use.
Every form has an optional “Share” button that you can opt to pass something along via text, email or any number of media, should you so choose.
JOURNAL:A journal great place to record events, ideas, and feelings in a free-form format. At times it can be difficult to pin down certain feelings or motivations. Free-form journaling can help vent some of the clutter. You can add, delete and review current and past journals at your leisure.
GRATITUDE LIST:For those times when all you can thing about is the one thing not going your way instead of the other 99 things that have gone your way, a gratitude list is an excellent tool to put reality back in focus.A common tool used among members of AA when frustration seems to trump gratitude.
BIG BOOK:The first 164 pages of the book Alcoholics Anonymous 2nd Edition (aka the Big Book) are presented in the toolkit, with the chapters and page numbers listed for ease of use.
MEETINGS:Create entries for your favorite meetings, including information like name, location, meeting type, commitments, etc. Select which meetings you want to be reminded about.
MEETING TOPICS:The Toolkit provides a list of common meeting topics, along with the supporting text taken straight from the Big Book. Both Chapter and page numbers are provided with each topic for reference and to allow further reading.
REMINDERS:Provides daily reminders for morning mediation, evening review, daily 12 step work, and upcoming meetings.
COMMON READINGS:The Toolkit provides easy access to some of the most commonly read passages of the big book, including excerpts’ from: THERE IS A SOLUTION MORE ABOUT ALCOHOLISM THE BEDEVILMENTS HOW IT WORKS THE PROMISES A VISION FOR YOU
PRIVACY: All information entered into the Toolkit is stored locally on your device. Nothing is stored in the cloud or anywhere else. Nothing is shared except for what you chose to share. NOTE: As with any sensitive/personal information, please use the appropriate safe guards on your device to protect your data. Use passwords only you know.